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Looking for answers?
We strive to provide top support to our users.  Below is a list of categories that our users commonly need more information on.  Click on the category that matches your question and read more about it. 

Service Highlights
Special Software
Virtual Fax Costs
Hidden Fees
Payment Methods
Signing Up
Browser compatibility

 Using The VFM Service
Junk Faxes
Data Privacy
Viewing TIF email attachments
Sending Faxes from Website
Sending Faxes from Desktop
Sending Faxes from eMail

Can't find an answer?
Our support staff is ready to help you. Go to our Contact Us page and request help via email.


Account FAQ
Renew Account
Account Owner Left AT&T
Add Users
Printing Receipts
Change TIF to PDF
Closing Your Account

Leaving AT&T and and want to keep your fax number?

Yes, you can keep your existing fax to email number after you leave AT&T.  Our commercial version of this site,, is available for you to use.  Read more...

Keep your fax number with the same great service!


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